Frequently Asked Question

What is SEO?

SEO is the process of ranking a website in search engines so that users can find the website by searching for relevant keywords and queries. SEO can increase the organic traffic of a website. Organic traffic is that which comes from Google’s natural listings, rather than paid ads.

Does My Business Need SEO?

Yes, every business should invest in SEO. Because SEO will help to gain organic traffic without paying for each and every click. If you do SEO for your business then it will organically rank on search engines and get a high amount of traffics for free. Of course, it takes investment in skills and resources to rank a website on the SERPs.

How Does SEO Work?

Google uses over 200 ranking factors and search engines rank website’s using these ranking factors based upon the relevancy and authority of their pages. But you have to ensure that your content is the most relevant result for a specific search query and that your website is seen as a trustworthy source.

Once I start SEO, how long will it take to get rankings?

SEO is a long-term strategy. The First 2-3 months are dedicated to making updates to your site and waiting for the search engine spiders to crawl and index the changes. However, SEO typically takes 3-9 months to begin seeing new rankings depending on your website.

How long will it take to see increases in traffic with SEO?

Once the ranking of your website increases, the traffic will increase too. But you have to keep in mind that new rankings and traffic are not instantaneous, it takes a few months to complete the necessary updates and get them indexed before you will begin to see these increases.

Why should I continue SEO once I’ve gotten good rankings?

Obtaining the ranking in search engines is only half the battle. Because search engines update their algorithms continuously and your rankings can fluctuate from one day to the next. You’ll have to keep doing SEO to keep your URL ranking in the top positions. Discontinuing SEO after you’ve achieved rankings will result in a loss of rankings fairly quickly.

Can’t we just buy links?

Though link building is a very important aspect of SEO, purchasing links from spammy websites or ‘bad neighborhood’ sites can hurt your rankings rather than help. Because the algorithms of search engines always looking for these types of links. Obtain links unnaturally through link exchange schemes and purchasing links or have links from spam sites can cause penaty. A recovery from a link penalty is not an easy one and can result in significant traffic losses.

Can you get me ranked for general terms like ‘lawyer’?

Getting rankings for general terms is so tough because general terms are highly competitive. We always advise going with broad terms because broad is relevant. If you are a lawyer in Florida, traffic from California probably isn’t that relevant to your business. It is more cost effective and pragmatic to go after terms that relate to the location of your business.

Which Search Engines receive the majority of searches?

Google is the largest search engine and it obtains the majority of search traffic, with about 67% of total searches. Bing comes in second with about 17%, then Yahoo with roughly 12%, and the remaining Search Engines all total about 4%

Do I need different SEO strategies for different search engines?

Different search engines have subtle differences. But you can only focus on Google for your SEO strategy. Because Google is the largest search engine and most of the traffic is from Google.

Can I do SEO myself?

Yes, you can. But before doing SEO you’ll have to be an expert on it. SEO is very time-consuming and you need to consider both technical SEO and on-page SEO. What’s more, you will need to keep up-to-date with the algorithms’ changes to the various search engines.

Is SEO better than paid advertising?

SEO, PPC, or other paid media works together to boost your website and build your brand authority in your industry or niche. However, SEO works better than other paid media. Because SEO helps to gain organic traffic where other paid media don’t. Most of the time, SEO and paid advertising will work together to provide the best results.

What is Social Media?

Social media is a platform that allows users to connect with other people, share interactive content, and also promote business by creating pages and groups

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a very important part of digital marketing that helps to promote a business through social media platforms. This marketing can easily connect with a business audience, increase brand awareness, build trust, increase traffic, and also increase sales.

Who Needs Social Media Marketing?

Every business or person who wants to promote their brand directly to their audience should do social media marketing. Moreover, if you want to raise brand awareness, and catch potential followers’ or clients’ attention then social media marketing will be ideal for you. And remember, while you are still deciding, your competitors are already conquering social media platforms.

How to Do Social Media Marketing?

If you want to do social media marketing then you’ll have to follow these steps:
Formulate clear goals
Create your social media strategy
Perform competitors and market research
Choose the right social media channels fit for your business
Implement content
Be consistent and post constantly
Answer all comments and messages
Check analytics and monitor your posts and page’s performance